Information and Privacy is an excellent herb; but no herb has power enough to itself protect against deterioration if the container in which it is stored is impure.
Information is of vital importance for companies. To protect information, information security and privacy are the vessel that must protect the information, the herb. When visiting organizations, Triple-B Consultancy often sees that companies think that their information provision meets the standards and that they comply with the regulations concerning privacy legislation. They are shocked when we demonstrate with a number of rapid tests and questions that information security and privacy regulation are not okÈ. The doors to information are often open for malicious people and this can lead to a major impact on business operations, both financially and in terms of reputation.
Fortunately, we can reassure them that if they use our services, Triple-B Consultancy can help them with legislation at the desired level of information security and mandatory compliance.
This underlines the strength of: Triple-B Consultancy: The spot where Security integrates with Systems and Regulations
Every organization or association that processes personal data will have to comply with the legislation, the GDPR/AVG. This means that an organization broad check must be carried out to see whether the organization complies with the legislation and, if this is not the case, corrective activities should be started.
This covers a whole range of areas from policy to work instructions or from (employee) job changes to technical changes.
Our customers' questions
Privacy questions
- What needs to happen in our organization to comply with the new privacy legislation?
- Can you support us to draw up a privacy policy and / or information security policy?
- We need support with drawing up rules of conduct, procedures and work instructions for privacy?
- Is it possible that you train our organization with giving information, workshops and awareness sessions?
- Conduct risk analyzes on the business processes especial on processing personal data. Would you like support?
- Drawing up contracts with third parties is a difficult matter?
- Can we pass on personal data to third countries?
- Can you support us with ..?
What distinguishes Triple-B Consultancy - The AVG Consultancy Company?
Triple-B Consultancy - The Privacy Company
Free Privacy Checklist
Test the status regarding the AVG by completing the free Privacy Checklist.

Privacy Officer
When is a Privacy Officer mandatory and when is it advisable and finally what role can Triple-B Consultancy play in this? Read more…
Privacy - AVG Consultancy
Which issues are our customers dealing with? And what is the working method of Triple-B Consultancy to assist our customers in solving these issues? Read more Lees meer

We continue to ensure that our customers in the future continue to comply with privacy legislation.Triple-B Consultancy conduct audits assisted with our proven and tested ICCM method. Read more… Lees meer
More information about the AVG
The AVG/GDPR was not invented overnight. The AGV has a long history. Read more…. Lees meer